This was followed by expansion in Manchester, and this month the company will open further testing centres in Leeds and the West Midlands. By April, Dam Health says that it will be running 20 private testing sites, with 10 in London and the surrounding area including new clinics at London Bridge and in Harlow.
“Even with the vaccine, which only reduces the risk of people getting severe illness, we will need negative tests before travelling overseas for holidays, work and for gatherings long into the future,” Professor Joseph explains.
“We knew that private Covid-19 testing was in short supply when we launched our first clinic in December and demand continues to grow at a rate we never envisaged initially.”
When the lockdown rules eased before Christmas, Dam Health UK tested almost 10,000 people who required a negative test result certificate for foreign holidays.
“We have since been inundated with demand from people who want to be tested before visiting extended family bubbles or loved ones in hospitals,” adds Professor Joseph.
“Our expansion across the country is in preparation for the summer, when people will need testing before they go on holiday. We're getting ready for that now.
“Testing helps to stop the spread of the disease. Until we know whether the vaccine stops us from transmitting the virus, we will still need to be tested on a regular basis.
“Previous vaccines for other diseases have led to a decrease in transmissibility, but we can't take anything as a given with this virus, so we need to continue to work towards protecting people and this includes testing.”