SafeMoon: New cryptocurrency value surges 130% – what is SafeMoon? Is it the new Dogecoin?

“Connect your wallet to pancake swap. Before you swap please ensure you click the gear icon and set slippage to 11 percent. Press swap. Confirm the transaction on your wallet and hold.”

However, a word of warning to those looking to invest – SafeMoon is still relatively unknown, which makes the risk to your investment likely even higher.

Investing is not a guaranteed way to make money, so make sure you know the risks and can afford to lose the money before starting.

Cryptocurrencies and decentralised finance tokens are also very volatile, meaning your cash can soar sky high or drop down in the blink of an eye.

Before investing, make sure you do proper research and look into what you’re putting your cash into, as well as ensuring companies you’re investing in are legitimate.

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