SafeMoon has jumped in price to $0.00001295, representing a rise of almost 3,000 percent in the past few weeks. According to Coin Market Cap, it has a fully diluted market cap of $7,982,164,549 which shows its true potential. The token was only launched in the first quarter of 2021, so little is known about it, but it is available to buy.
Where can you buy SafeMoon?
Currently, SafeMoon is only available to purchase on the Trust Wallet app, but buying it is tricky.
To do so, one must open the Trust Wallet app and purchase your chosen amount of SafeMoon in Binance (BNB) or BowsCoin (BSC) - two established cryptocurrencies.
Once you have these, go to the 'DApps' tab at the bottom of the Trust Wallet app.
Here, you will find something called 'PancakeSwap' - a program which allows you to exchange Binance or BowsCoin.
Once you have done that, click on 'select a currency' and enter the contact address found below.
At that point, SafeMoon should become available to purchase.
However, before you exchange currencies, select the cogwheel and "set the slippage to between 11-12 percent", according to the SafeMoon purchasing guide.
Then you will be able to select the amount you wish to transfer and then select the swap button.
And there you have it, you will own some SafeMoon.
SafeMoon rewards people who have held their current coin for a long time.
However, those who wish to sell early face a 10 percent transaction fee.
This is to stop people from making a quick buck in the short term with the aim to make it a long term investment.