Autism support services app Brain in Hand wins £800,000 health award

Autism support services app Brain in Hand

Currently supplied to the social care, disability and educational sectors, the app’s self-management tools provide unique, round-the-clock individual support, both human and technological. For users, many of them under-25, instead of facing a life blighted by anxiety and exclusion, Brain in Hand helps them achieve greater independence and make more of their talents. Recognition of those in the cybersecurity sector is now well established.

However with some 700,000 autistic people in the UK, service shortfalls are estimated to be costing £32 billion a year.

Covid has increased the pressure on below-par provision and families coping with the condition, says Dr Louise Morpeth, chief executive of the Exeter-based business.

The app, which works both for pre and post-diagnosis, is calculated to deliver a £2,800 per user cost saving and the NHS- funded grant through the Small Business Research Initiative “is a major milestone for us,” says Dr Morpeth who is forecasting a £20million turnover in 2023.

Following a scratch start 11 years ago and backing from impact investment bank ClearlySo, Brain in Hand now employs 60 experts across the UK and expects to hire another five digital developers next year.

With potential for other applications such as dementia, development of the app now aims for integration with NHS systems, making it instant access with no training required either for services or users.

Currently available in Canada, further roll-out will be to the US and other English-speaking countries.

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